Hi there,
In the process of moving from SDK 10 to SDK 11, I've also been migrating an accelerometer driver over from using straight nrf_drv_twi code to the higher level app_twi library. The driver has stopped working completely.
Although I can read from and write to registers without app_twi_perform() returning an error, the values read back are always zero and the values I write have no effect.
I was initially caught out by the fact I needed to set pin numbers both in the call to APP_TWI_INIT() and in my nrf_drv_config.h file, but that is now fixed.
I am right shifting the slave address to remove the R/W bit from it.
My max transactions define is 20 and I don't put that many transfers through.
Is it OK that my app_twi_transfer_t variables are NOT static? I read somewhere in the SDK code that they should be if I'm scheduling these up, but I only ever call app_twi_perform() and never app_twi_schedule().
After Ole's comment below, I've made all the transfers and register value variables static. It hasn't fixed the issue - I'm still seeing all zeros for all the registers I read back.
New code attached.