Is PAN-28 fixed in Rev B,C and Rev 1 silicon? I still see the interrupt work around for scan mode in the driver?
Is PAN-28 fixed in Rev B,C and Rev 1 silicon? I still see the interrupt work around for scan mode in the driver?
As you can see in the errata documents PAN 28 was fixed already in Engineering B. But, yes, the work araound is present in the latest SDK. However, notice that the workaround is enclosed in
#ifdef NRF52_PAN_28
If you open examples for PCA10036 (with Engineering A) you will see that NRF52_PAN_28 is defined in "Options for Target -> C/C++ -> Define". If you open the same example for PCA10040 you will see that it's not defined. This technique is used for lots of workarounds in the SDK.