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In BLE,if window widened ((CI/2)-TIFS) during slave latency,then slave should lose its connection.Whether this scenario can happen ?

For eg:Lets consider Master Clock Accuracy = 500PPM Slave Clock Accuracy = 500PPM

ConnInterval = 10ms CE length = 625us Slave Latency = 499 STO = 11s

Calculation: Window Widening(WW) = ((masterSCA + slaveSCA)/1000000 )* TimeSinceLastAnchorpoint

WW value at which connection is lost = (CI/2) - TIFS = 5ms - 150us = 4850us

In 0th conn Event: Master Send and received a packet and closes the connEvent

After 0th event slave will be in latency for next 499 connEvent

In 1st ConnEvent : WW = 10^-3 * 10ms(timesinceLastAnchorpoint which is CI) = 10us






At 486th event only WW reaches > (CI/2) - TIFS, which will cause the slave to lose the connection.(Refer Bluetooth Version 4.2[Vol 6 , Part B],section 4.5.7,Last Para)

But the thing here is slave will not be listening during slave latency, so there is no point to detect a anchor point.Because of slave latency , WW should not reach (CI/2) - TIFS and lose connection.
