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auto connect with ble proximity nrf51422

Hai guys,

I am using nrf51dk, S130, and Keil to develop a simple project. My aim is to send the sensor data from the nrf51422 to the mobile app.

when no mobile is available and no data change happens on sensor the nrf device should sleep. When ever a data change ocucrs the nrf51 device should wake up from the sleep mode and send the data to the already paired device, if it is available. As per my understanding the wake up can be done using the gpio interrupt from the sensor while a data change happens. Once if the nrf device is wake up from the sleep/power cycling it should search for the already paired device and start sending data over ble to the paired device.Is it possible? If it is possible please let me know how can I achieve this?

Thanks and regards,

  • It is possible to send data over adverisement packet in the manufacturer specific data. The advantage of advertising is that you don't have to be in a connection. When you are in a connection you have to communicate regularly to keep the link up. You can set the connection parameter to communicate as infrequently as possibly, depending on what is in the other end/the central (Android and IOS have limitations for allowed connection parameters). Whether or not advertising is advantageous depends on how often you should send data, how many advertising packets on average the device have to send before the central picks it up (the central does not scan all the time necessarily), the connection parameters you are using if in a connection and other things. The best way is to test it and see what is best.

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