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Variable length not working?

/**@brief Attribute metadata. */
typedef struct
  ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t read_perm;       /**< Read permissions. */
  ble_gap_conn_sec_mode_t write_perm;      /**< Write permissions. */
  uint8_t                 vlen       :1;   /**< Variable length attribute. */
  uint8_t                 vloc       :2;   /**< Value location, see @ref BLE_GATTS_VLOCS.*/
  uint8_t                 rd_auth    :1;   /**< Read Authorization and value will be requested from the application on every read operation. */ 
  uint8_t                 wr_auth    :1;   /**< Write Authorization will be requested from the application on every Write Request operation (but not Write Command). */
} ble_gatts_attr_md_t;

Whenever I set .vlen to true the softdevice fails with error 7 on the call to: sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add

Is this functionality implemented, and are there any examples using it?
