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How to change value of a characteristic without sending a notify?

There is a way to set the initial value of a characteristic. But how do I set the value after this without sending a notify to the master? Is it possible to write the value into a struct somewhere?

For example:

/**@brief Function for initializing the TX Power Service.
static void tps_init( void )
	uint32_t err_code;
	ble_tps_init_t tps_init_obj;

	memset( &tps_init_obj, 0, sizeof(tps_init_obj) );
	tps_init_obj.initial_tx_power_level = TX_POWER_LEVEL;

	BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_ENC_NO_MITM( &tps_init_obj.tps_attr_md.read_perm );
	BLE_GAP_CONN_SEC_MODE_SET_NO_ACCESS( &tps_init_obj.tps_attr_md.write_perm );

	err_code = ble_tps_init( &m_tps, &tps_init_obj );
	APP_ERROR_CHECK( err_code );

How would I change the TX power level value?
