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Build problem with pca10001 ble_app_proximity project


I am trying to build the nrf51822/Board/pca10001/s110/ble_app_proximity project, with gcc ... I have created a makefile based on the button_radio_example makefile (which works well!). It is the first time I use the s110 softdevice.

I have a problem at the link level: RAM overflowed with stack Here is the command line generated by the makefile: "gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2013q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc" -L"gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2013q4/arm-none-eabi/lib/armv6-m" -L"gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2013q4/lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi//armv6-m" -Xlinker -Map=_build/ -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb -mabi=aapcs -L ../../../../..//Source//templates/gcc/ -Tgcc_nrf51_s110_xxaa.ld _build/main.o _build/ble_tps.o _build/ble_ias.o _build/ble_lls.o _build/ble_bas.o _build/ble_ias_c.o _build/ble_advdata.o _build/ble_srv_common.o _build/ble_conn_params.o _build/app_timer.o _build/softdevice_handler.o _build/ble_bondmngr.o _build/pstorage.o _build/crc16.o _build/app_button.o _build/app_gpiote.o _build/ble_error_log.o _build/ble_debug_assert_handler.o _build/system_nrf51.o _build/gcc_startup_nrf51.o -o _build/ble_app_proximity_gcc_s110_xxaa.out gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_8-2013q4/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.8.3/../../../../arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region RAM overflowed with stack collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I have attached the map file. Any ideas are welcome !




  • Thanks Ole ! And thanks for your makefiles. I will try them to morrow.

    I have reduced heap size from 2048 to 1024. And link is ok now !! Cool !!!

    I am using the Segger JLinkExe to flash, but nothing happen ... Here is my load file: r device nrf51822 speed 1000

    w4 4001e504 2 w4 4001e50c 1 w4 4001e514 1 r w4 4001e504 1

    loadbin ../../../../../SoftDevices/s110/v_5.2.1/s110_nrf51822_5.2.1_softdevice.hex 0

    loadbin _build/ble_app_proximity_gcc_s110_xxaa.bin 0x00014000

    r g exit

    I am sure there are errors in my commands, but I don't know where ...

  • Thanks Ole ! And thanks for your makefiles. I will try them to morrow.

    I have reduced heap size from 2048 to 1024. And link is ok now !! Cool !!!

    I am using the Segger JLinkExe to flash, but nothing happen ... Here is my load file: r device nrf51822 speed 1000

    w4 4001e504 2 w4 4001e50c 1 w4 4001e514 1 r w4 4001e504 1

    loadbin ../../../../../SoftDevices/s110/v_5.2.1/s110_nrf51822_5.2.1_softdevice.hex 0

    loadbin _build/ble_app_proximity_gcc_s110_xxaa.bin 0x00014000

    r g exit

    I am sure there are errors in my commands, but I don't know where ...
