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Is any Device Bonded ?

Hi , Am using NRF52 ,S132 SoftDevice I have a simple Question, How can I know is any device already bonded or not to my peripheral ??

I need to show an option "Delete Bonds", in my Display if any device Already Bonded to my peripheral.


  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember

    Could you please describe the flow of what you want to do? For instance, when do you want the option to delete a device?

    When your device connects to a device it is already bonded to, the event PM_EVT_BONDED_PEER_CONNECTED will occur right after being connected.

    Note: If you are doing development, I would recommend you to use the Peer Manager module for handling security/bonding and the latest version of the SDK.

  • Hi Thanks Kristin, Am using SDK alpha and device manager in that SDK .. This is my requirement

    1)One device bonded --> Added to whitelist No other device can connect to it ..

    1. Delete Bonds to connect to anyother device .. I have a button in my Display to Delete bonds , This button must be enabled only if the bonded list is not empty .. What I want is what is the Event that will come Bonding is completed and added to list ..
  • Hi Thanks Kristin, Am using SDK alpha and device manager in that SDK .. This is my requirement

    1)One device bonded --> Added to whitelist No other device can connect to it ..

    1. Delete Bonds to connect to anyother device .. I have a button in my Display to Delete bonds , This button must be enabled only if the bonded list is not empty .. What I want is what is the Event that will come Bonding is completed and added to list ..
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