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nrf52 SPIM no MISO response


Im trying to connect MCP25625 via SPI on nrf52. I checked with the scope that CS, MOSI and SCK are correct, but I get no reply on MISO line whatsoever. I perform a very easy operation:

  1. Reset - send 1 byte data
  2. Read register - send 3 bytes.

Any ideas what to check? i have 2 custom boards and they both have the same issue.

image description OSC2 waveform

image description 3-byte command bitbanging SCK and MOSI lines

  • If you have good MOSI, SCK and CS signals and you actually can see them going into MCP module, there is something wrong with MCP module. Maybe it is not powered correctly, reset pin is not pulled or something.I wouldn't search for problem on nrf52 side if it works ok. Or you just send wrong commands.

  • If you have good MOSI, SCK and CS signals and you actually can see them going into MCP module, there is something wrong with MCP module. Maybe it is not powered correctly, reset pin is not pulled or something.I wouldn't search for problem on nrf52 side if it works ok. Or you just send wrong commands.

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