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Time between turning on the radio and EVENTS_READY

I was looking at this PA/LNA example: here. I noticed something I'm not sure about, so I was hoping someone could shed some light on this.

In the diagram shown in the above post, M1 is the time when the radio turns on, and M3 is approximately when EVENTS_READY event occurs (the PA/LNA turns on). The time between M1 and M3 is ~14us. Assuming the PA turned on 5us before EVENTS_READY, this makes the time between turning the radio on and EVENTS_READY about 20us.

However, in the reference manual for nRF52, I see that the time between TXEN and EVENTS_READY is something like 140us. So I guess in the PA/LNA example, the 20us is something else, not the time between the radio turning on and EVENTS_READY event. What is it?

