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NRF24L01+ ACK with payload issues


I am trying to implement a star network with more than one datapipes enabled, where (between other tasks) the PTXs devices have to synchronize their clocks (real time clocks) from the PRX device clock. So I want to pass the current time information from the PRX to the PTXs using the payload in acknowledgment packet.

I am using Enchanced Shockburst mode with dynamic payloads and acknowledgment with payload enabled.

I would like some confirmation in the following questions: On the PRX side,

  1. Is the payload always deleted from Tx FIFO after it is trasmitted with the acknowledgment packet?

  2. Assume there is not a payload in Tx FIFO for the corresponding datapipe of the received packet. In this case, the ack packet will be transmitted without payload, so on the PTX side TX_DS will be asseted but not RX_DR. Is that correct?

  3. Is there a way to use more than 3 datapipes in this mode (dynamic payload with payload in acknowledgment packet)?

Sorry if some of my questions have allready been answered in previous posts.

Thanks in advance

Argiris Th.
