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A question about the Supervision Timeout


There are such statement in the CORE SPEC 4.2

" If the Link Layer connection supervision timer reaches 6 * connInterval before the connection is established (see Section 4.5), the connection shall be considered lost. This enables fast termination of connections that fail to establish. "

And such statement

" The connSupervisionTimeout shall be a multiple of 10 ms in the range of 100 ms to 32.0 s and it shall be larger than (1 + connSlaveLatency) * connInterval * 2. "

I wanna know that whether the connection will lost or not if i just connect the two bluetooth devices, and do not do the operation such as writing/notifying/indicating/reading....

It seems not true.

And i must have something misunderstanding about such statements.

BR Bernerd

  • No the connection will not be lost if you connect two devices and do absolutely no reading or writing or anything else. The two things you quote have absolutely nothing to do with reading and writing or operations performed on the link. The link layer will continue to swap packets at the connection interval frequency to keep the link alive whether you are using it or not.

    Have you tried reading any of the few bluetooth LE books which explain all this as you seem to ask question after question about small pieces of the spec, all of which are covered in those books.
