I'm using Master Control Panel for PC to try to test bonding with MITM security on the peripheral I'm developing, and I suspect there's something wrong with the Master Emulator device that MCP is controlling. When I sniff the packets between the Master Emulator device and a device running the (unaltered) Glucose Monitor example, I get this:
After the Master Emulator sends a connection request, I see one packet with MITM and one without. The Glucose Monitor has the SEC_PARAM_MITM bit set in the source code, so I assume that's the one with MITM, and that means the Master Emulator must be the other one. So, what's going on? MCP is supposed to support OOB, which is an implementation of MITM protection, so shouldn't the firmware that it uses have MITM enabled?
The hardware I'm using is: Master Emulator (v0.11.0)- nRF51 dev board (PCA10028); BLE Sniffer- nRF51 dev dongle (PCA10031); Glucose Monitor- nRF52 dev board (PCA10040)