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Power consumption of NRF52 GPIOTE->IN

Hi all: I found this issue happen on NRF52 with SDK v11.0. Because I measured the current increased ~1mA after enable GPIOTE->IN, is there any solution can solve it?? Thanks...

  • If you use GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(false) you should not see any increase in current, this uses GPIOTE->PORT not GPIOTE->IN. With GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(true), which uses GPIOTE->IN you may see an increase in current consumption of ~450uA.

    1.9mA when not doing anything is very high. Are you advertising or scanning often or doing other power hungry stuff?

    If you enter system OFF the current consumption should be less than 1uA. If you see the same current consumption after going to System OFF the device probably have woken up from system OFF mode. If the pin configured for GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(false) is low when you enter system OFF the chip will immidiately wake up (GPIOTE->PORT can wake the chip up from system OFF sleep).

  • If you use GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(false) you should not see any increase in current, this uses GPIOTE->PORT not GPIOTE->IN. With GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(true), which uses GPIOTE->IN you may see an increase in current consumption of ~450uA.

    1.9mA when not doing anything is very high. Are you advertising or scanning often or doing other power hungry stuff?

    If you enter system OFF the current consumption should be less than 1uA. If you see the same current consumption after going to System OFF the device probably have woken up from system OFF mode. If the pin configured for GPIOTE_CONFIG_IN_SENSE_HITOLO(false) is low when you enter system OFF the chip will immidiately wake up (GPIOTE->PORT can wake the chip up from system OFF sleep).

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