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BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS when trying to transfer file through BLE_UART example

I'm trying to transfer a txt file by sending it from a terminal to my NRF52 DK with the BLE_UART example. I always get a BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_PACKETS avter a few packets though. I understood this means that I'm trying to send data too fast through BLE, and there are no free TX buffers.

Does this mean that the UART HW flow control does not stop the terminal from sending data once the BLE link is saturated?

SDK11.0.0 PCA10040

  • There's no connection between the number of free TX buffers and the UART, they are totally different peripherals. If you run out of TX buffers and want to stop the incoming flow through the UART until you have more available, you need to pause the code reading the UART in such a way the hardware flow control kicks in, and restart it when there are buffers available.

  • There's no connection between the number of free TX buffers and the UART, they are totally different peripherals. If you run out of TX buffers and want to stop the incoming flow through the UART until you have more available, you need to pause the code reading the UART in such a way the hardware flow control kicks in, and restart it when there are buffers available.

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