I already know the phone's Bluetooth address, I want to write the address directly into the device, the device - directed broadcast, how do I put the address in the program?
I already know the phone's Bluetooth address, I want to write the address directly into the device, the device - directed broadcast, how do I put the address in the program?
See this message sequence chart.
When you start directed advertisement you will get a BLE_ADV_EVT_PEER_ADDR_REQUEST event. There you will have to call ble_advertising_peer_addr_reply(ble_gap_addr_t * p_peer_addr) with the peer address.
Ok,thank you very much. SmartRF shown on the Packet Sniffer is a directional broadcasting,However, the mobile phone to the device cannot be found.Address of the bluetooth settings are correct.Excuse me, Is this what causes it?
Ok,thank you very much. SmartRF shown on the Packet Sniffer is a directional broadcasting,However, the mobile phone to the device cannot be found.Address of the bluetooth settings are correct.Excuse me, Is this what causes it?