Hello, Nordic Team, I'm embedded designer from Russia, discovered your amazing wireless MCU NRF52832. I looked through your SDK and peripheral drivers, and unfortunately found a bad code style such as:
CODE_FOR_<some dma periph>
CODE_FOR_<some periph>
..and this:
do \
{ \
app_uart_buffers_t buffers; \
static uint8_t rx_buf[RX_BUF_SIZE]; \
static uint8_t tx_buf[TX_BUF_SIZE]; \
buffers.rx_buf = rx_buf; \
buffers.rx_buf_size = sizeof (rx_buf); \
buffers.tx_buf = tx_buf; \
buffers.tx_buf_size = sizeof (tx_buf); \
ERR_CODE = app_uart_init(P_COMM_PARAMS, &buffers, EVT_HANDLER, IRQ_PRIO); \
} while (0)
and bad, arduino-styled delay:
static void __INLINE nrf_delay_us(uint32_t volatile number_of_us)
__ASM (
" SUBS R0, R0, #1\n\t"
" NOP\n\t"
" NOP\n\t"
" NOP\n\t"
.....//many many "NOP"s for 1 microsecond delay
" NOP\n\t"
" BNE.n loop\n\t");
..and other oddities in the code.
And in startup clocks initialization... there is no startup clocks initialization, and without little delay for starting clock system core does not start. I put small 15ms delay in begin of main() to fix it. I think - its needed for PLL setup time, or flash internal init time or some other startup work. In ST Microelectronics MCUs STM32 i see special startup file where implemented delay until clock system's flag is set.
I want to write for you nRF52 HAL and API, together with some more developers from Russia.
It is with the following parameters:
-CamelCase for functions.
-No big preprocessor macroses, or macros with static.
-Initialization structures and functions to work with them by pointer.
-Possible to use C++ and OOP style of API (classes with methods instead of structures and functions)
-The right delay function (with SysTick timer)
-Greatly reduced the number of preprocessor directives in working code (they prevent people from reading the code)
-and other features used in CMSIS Standard code and ST code
My social network link: http://vk.com/id306014907