From what I can see the scenario where you have a serialized app running from a separate CPU and how to do firmware update on that is not discussed anywhere on the Nordic site and I am trying to get some ideas so I will not find myself duplicating a lot of work that Nordic software engineers are already doing somewhere and maybe release at some point in the (near?) future.
So to make a long story short:
we have a pretty complex solution with a STM32F4 + NRF51 (which could soon be updated to STM32F7 + NRF52 and then go to much larger-scale production); the STM32 has a very well designed firmware update procedure where we can activate options that can make that one safe enough
the BLE part of it is almost perfect, no serious problems there since softdevice S130 v2.0.0
however the very quick move from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 raises the valid question if we would not be much better on the longer term having a very clean upgrade path in the Nordic circuit too
for the moment we do not want a DFU update over BLE, we would be perfectly fine just updating the Nordic from the main CPU over the same connection (SPI) that we already use for serialization
from what I can see that is not already supported
one way to add that would be to add a new packet type , something like SER_PKT_TYPE_USER_CMD = 0x80 , and then directly encode and decode (ser_conn_pkt_decoder.c) those packets
probably a more elegant way would be to extend the existing SER_PKT_TYPE_CMD = 0 with new commands and just add handlers for those (basically extending conn_mw_item[] list) with new custom commands like SD_USER_CUSTOM_CMD_1 and/or - and here I would like to know if that is not already done by Nordic software engineers themselves - adding serialization handlers for functions like sd_mbr_command() and ble_flash_block_write() (even if that might not be an easy task).
I do not know if I explained well enough what I need - but I am open to any other suggestions or ideas on the topic.