I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with or thoughs about using Zephyr (www.zephyrproject.org/) or Mynewt (http://mynewt.apache.org/) that they would like to share?
I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with or thoughs about using Zephyr (www.zephyrproject.org/) or Mynewt (http://mynewt.apache.org/) that they would like to share?
Yes indeed! I have not used Zephyr personally but I have certainly used Mynewt (being one of the committers on the project). The latest development version of Mynewt has most of 4.2 implemented (with some exceptions) and is very liberally licensed (ASF). Should be very easy to get a project up and running on the nrf52dk. The project has been ported to the nrf51 and nrf52 so you can use either chip.
Not sure what exactly you are looking for but you can send emails to [email protected] to ask questions about the OS and BLE stack.
Hey Justin:
I probably should have posted my comment here as it shows up as an answer :-) Please read my comment and if there is anything specific regarding Mynewt you would like to know please email the dev list (link posted in the comment).
I've not used Zephyr but I've been using Mynewt...
If you pick it up now you might be able to provide feedback and help shape parts of it's API's, if you want to.
The dev list is active and very friendly.
I must say I do like it, a lot... I've ported MicroPython to Mynewt and now have Python running on the nrf51 & nrf52. There's even a custom Python API for creating GATT services and characteristics which has been tested on nrf51dk, nrf52dk and the Rigado BMD300dk.
Regards Wayne
Hi Will!
Can Mynewt be used in production scenarios on nRF52, without the need to pay truckloads of money for FCC/radio certification? Or to put it in another way - do you use Nordics SDK in a certified way, via the official SDK?
You would need to get certified as Mynewt uses an open-source controller and not the nordic SDK/softdevice. The first release (beta) of Mynewt 1.0 is just about ready to be released but you would still need to get that certified.