I am trying to setup a testing environment using nrf51-ble-driver_win_0.5.0.
All of my job are:
- Download nrf51-ble-driver_win_0.5.0, and program connectivity_115k2_with_s130_1.0.0.hex to PCA10001(version 2.0.0).
2)My compile tool is visual studio Ultimate 2013. I set the UART_PORT_NAME to COM4 and the target_list to "YYL_MF". Then I update the projetct to be compliant to visual studio 2013(Studio 2013 did it automatically). Now I can compile the project successfully.
3)I powered the device on. Connect PCA10001 to my computor and start multi_link.exe. The info below printed out, and I can type in any words now:
It seems the PCA10001 can't scan the device(The dongle could scan it), for it doesn't print "Successfully connected to: 0x[device_address]".
So any other job should I to do then? Or my tools are not useful please?