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How to transfer Keil C project into IAR project

Hi Now, I am coding SDK5.0.0 keyboard project and almost done. It's Keil C version. Did you have IAR version for reference? Besides, did you know if IAR supports J-Link lite Cortex-M0 programmer? Thanks.

  • There is only one IAR example in the SDK, ble_app_hrs, but it shouldn't be too bad to get the others working if you need to. The easiest way is most likely to modify the XML files directly with a text editor, to change the project name and to change the files included.

    Take a look at Board\nrf6310\ble\ble_app_hrs\iar folder, and in particular the .ewp file. Beware that you must choose "Custom installation location" when installing to get these files, in the SDK tree in C:\Nordic Semiconductor, or use the zip.

    Edit: Corrected folder path for SDK 5.0.0, it's only in 5.1.0 it is Board\nrf6310\s110\ble_app_hrs.

  • The ewp look very complex to change. Isn't it more easy to take the IAR ble_app_hrs project as a template to get away all of its folders except the startup . Then open the Keil project we want to transfer, and copy all the files show on the project template to the IAR project tamplet at the same groups as in the Keil. Also copy the path location in the option to the IAR and place the project folder at the some level as teh Keil project folder.

  • The ewp look very complex to change. Isn't it more easy to take the IAR ble_app_hrs project as a template to get away all of its folders except the startup . Then open the Keil project we want to transfer, and copy all the files show on the project template to the IAR project tamplet at the same groups as in the Keil. Also copy the path location in the option to the IAR and place the project folder at the some level as teh Keil project folder.

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