- tools: nRF51_SDK_10.0.0 、keil v5.14.0.0
- project: nRF51_SDK_10.0.0\examples\dfu\experimental\bootloader_signing
changed points (main.c):
#define BOOTLOADER_BUTTON BSP_BUTTON_0 /**< Button used to enter SW update mode. */
#define UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS_LED 18 /**< Led used to indicate that DFU is active. */
//#define BOOTLOADER_BUTTON BSP_BUTTON_3 /**< Button used to enter SW update mode. */
//#define UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS_LED BSP_LED_2 /**< Led used to indicate that DFU is active. */
copy s110_nrf51_8.0.0_softdevice.hex、nrf_sec.hex and nrf51422_xxac.hex to the folder of nrfjprog.exe, then exe the following cmds:
@nrfjprog.exe --eraseall
@nrfjprog --program s110_nrf51_8.0.0_softdevice.hex
@nrfjprog --program nrf_sec.hex
@nrfjprog --program nrf51422_xxac.hex
results :
Erasing code and UICR flash areas.
Applying system reset.
Parsing hex file.
Reading flash area to program to guarantee it is erased.
Checking that the area to write is not protected.
Programing device.
Parsing hex file.
Reading flash area to program to guarantee it is erased.
Checking that the area to write is not protected.
Programing device.
Parsing hex file.
Reading flash area to program to guarantee it is erased.
Checking that the area to write is not protected.
Programing device.
reset the device or hold down Button and power-cycle the device. but it does not work. when I debug the program of bootloader , i found that it is hardfault when it return of SystemInit (system_nrf51.c).
I already try this project on nRF51_SDK_9.0.0 ,and the result is same. I wonder that is there any errors on my operations???