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restricted peripheral access


I want to access restricted peripheral: TIMER0. After small research found that I should use sd_ wrappers, in my case sd_nvic_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn) however I got always NRF_ERROR_SOC_NVIC_INTERRUPT_NOT_AVAILABLE error. How can I check if resource is currently used by softDevice? __sd_nvic_app_accessible_irq(TIMER0_IRQn) also gives always false.

  • I have enabled timeslot and my question is related to timeslot. I want to terminate timeslot so I'm calling:

    // terminate immediately if in timeslot
    if(m_timeslot.in_timeslot)// && __sd_nvic_app_accessible_irq(TIMER0_IRQn)) // start immediately if in timeslot
    	// set session terminate flag
    	m_timeslot.terminate_flag = true;
    	// report when session is closed
    	m_timeslot.external_session_close_flag = true;
    	// stop and clear TIMER0
    	NRF_TIMER0->TASKS_STOP 	 = 1;
    	// disable TIMER0 interrupts
    	NRF_TIMER0->CC[1]    	 = 0;
    	// clear and set pending TIMER0 interrupt
    	// set session terminate flag
    	m_timeslot.terminate_flag = true;
    	// report when session is closed
    	m_timeslot.external_session_close_flag = true;

    I'm setting m_timeslot.in_timeslot to true after NRF_RADIO_CALLBACK_SIGNAL_TYPE_START and to false after NRF_EVT_RADIO_SESSION_IDLE

    and in static nrf_radio_signal_callback_return_param_t * m_timeslot_callback(uint8_t signal_type):


    	m_timeslot.terminate_flag = false;
    	NRF_PPI->CHENCLR 								   = ((PPI_CHEN_CH8_Enabled << PPI_CHEN_CH8_Pos) & PPI_CHEN_CH8_Msk);
    	signal_callback_return_param.params.request.p_next = NULL;
    	signal_callback_return_param.callback_action       = NRF_RADIO_SIGNAL_CALLBACK_ACTION_END;
    	m_timeslot.in_timeslot    						   = false;
    	return ( &signal_callback_return_param );


    But after some time I'm landing in hard fault handler so I'm guessing that problem is accesing TIMER0 while it's used by softdevice.

  • I have HFCLK active. My request looks like:

    static nrf_radio_request_t * m_request_earliest(enum NRF_RADIO_PRIORITY priority) { m_timeslot.timeslot_request.request_type = NRF_RADIO_REQ_TYPE_EARLIEST; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.hfclk = NRF_RADIO_HFCLK_CFG_XTAL_GUARANTEED; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.priority = priority; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.length_us = TIMESLOT_LEN_US; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.timeout_us = 1000000; return &m_timeslot.timeslot_request; }

    Ofcourse I'm returning NRF_RADIO_SIGNAL_CALLBACK_ACTION_END in nrf_radio_signal_callback_return_param_t * m_timeslot_callback, but I must wait for any signal to enter this callback. To avoid delay I'm calling NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); which causes immediate enter to this callback but it's problematic when softdevice is currently running. So if I good understanding I must check if soft device is running before call NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); How to do that?

  • I have HFCLK active. My request looks like:

    static nrf_radio_request_t * m_request_earliest(enum NRF_RADIO_PRIORITY priority) { m_timeslot.timeslot_request.request_type = NRF_RADIO_REQ_TYPE_EARLIEST; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.hfclk = NRF_RADIO_HFCLK_CFG_XTAL_GUARANTEED; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.priority = priority; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.length_us = TIMESLOT_LEN_US; m_timeslot.timeslot_request.params.earliest.timeout_us = 1000000; return &m_timeslot.timeslot_request; }

    Ofcourse I'm returning NRF_RADIO_SIGNAL_CALLBACK_ACTION_END in nrf_radio_signal_callback_return_param_t * m_timeslot_callback, but I must wait for any signal to enter this callback. To avoid delay I'm calling NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); which causes immediate enter to this callback but it's problematic when softdevice is currently running. So if I good understanding I must check if soft device is running before call NVIC_SetPendingIRQ(TIMER0_IRQn); How to do that?

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