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about nrf51822 timer1 TASKS_CAPTURE


void GPIOTE_IRQHandler(void)
    volatile NRF_TIMER_Type * p_timer;
    if ((NRF_GPIOTE->EVENTS_IN[0] == 1) && 

								// Do nothing.
						p_timer = NRF_TIMER1;
						p_timer->MODE           = TIMER_MODE_MODE_Timer;       
						p_timer->PRESCALER      = 9;                            // Prescaler 9 produces 31250 Hz timer frequency => 1 tick = 32 us.
						p_timer->BITMODE        = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_16Bit;  // 16bit  
						p_timer->TASKS_CLEAR    = 1;                            / 
						p_timer->TASKS_START    = 1;                    // Start timer.		
					  p_timer->TASKS_CAPTURE[0] = 1;;
					  timer_left = p_timer->CC[0];
						//p_timer->EVENTS_COMPARE[0]  = 0;
						p_timer->TASKS_STOP         = 1;                // Stop timer.

        NRF_GPIOTE->EVENTS_IN[0] = 0;  



i want to run the timer 1 at rising edge and get the timer value at falling edge. TASKS_CAPTURE[0] :capture Timer value to CC[0] rigister. but,i find the value of CC[0] is 0,WHY?

  • That should work fine as far as I can tell. Two questions:

    • Is this program branching correctly, i.e. is the button function working so that the TIMER starts at a rising edge?

    • How are you checking the timer_left value? If you are checking the value with setting a breakpoint in debugger mode, make sure that you have compiler optimization level set to 0 in Options for Target -> C/C++ tab. That will enable proper debugging. You can also see register values in KEil by selecting View -> System Viewer -> TIMER while you debug and halt executuion on a breakpoint.

  • That should work fine as far as I can tell. Two questions:

    • Is this program branching correctly, i.e. is the button function working so that the TIMER starts at a rising edge?

    • How are you checking the timer_left value? If you are checking the value with setting a breakpoint in debugger mode, make sure that you have compiler optimization level set to 0 in Options for Target -> C/C++ tab. That will enable proper debugging. You can also see register values in KEil by selecting View -> System Viewer -> TIMER while you debug and halt executuion on a breakpoint.

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