Is there any way that can allow the user to advertise a sine wave for example over a specific channel or over the three Radio channels ? I am using S130 and Nordic SDK 8.1
Is there any way that can allow the user to advertise a sine wave for example over a specific channel or over the three Radio channels ? I am using S130 and Nordic SDK 8.1
Well, you could use the manufacturers specific data in the advertising packet to contain any data you would want within the size limits of the advertising packet. You could use radio notifications or a timer to know when to update the data in the advertising packet to drive the representation of your sine wave.
So, yes I think it could be done. Although I'm not sure how you will know that the scanner device is forwarding enough of the advertising packets to your application to read it correctly.
This depends on what you need. What are your requirements?
If you use advertising packets to broadcast data then you will have no guaranteed reception. If you need to share a continuous data series it would be better to connect, so that you can transfer full data series and guarantee that everything is transferred.
On the other hand, if all data is sent on all advertising channels, and the scanner scans only one advertising channel and at 100% of the time, then you should receive most of the data. (But still, you must always expect to lose some of the advertising packets.) You could of course send the same data points multiple times. This would reduce the chance of packet loss, but not eliminate it completely.
Regards, Terje
Thanks Guys for your response.
One thing i need to clarify, i need to broadcast a sine wave by accessing Nordic's RF Transceiver, without the need to modify the advertising packet. I will then connect the antenna with a coaxial cable to a spectrum analyzer and see the output, "sine wave".
I just needed to know if this is possible. If yes, where to start from?
Is there a base-band register for example that i can put the data i want the transceiver to broadcast, then it takes the base band and modulate it with GFSK, as i can see in the description of nordic's transceiver?
Thanks in advance :)
OK, now I think I understand roughly what kind of things you want to do. Have a look at the Direct Test Mode example in our SDK. In one of the tests it sets up a constant carrier signal.
Ok Thanks A lot. Although this link necessitates a specific device, but it opened the track till i found what i want.
NRF_RADIO->TEST handles testing the radio and PLL. I enabled the constant carrier transmission enable flag, and i will test it. Thanks again :)