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How to test our TX/RX characteristic without phone APP?

Hi, we add two characteristic as TX/RX. We are ready to use them to transmit data and receive data with phone One for transmit the control command and get respond command One for transmit the data and get data

But the Nordic device's schedule app come much faster than phone. Is there way to go verify my service and characteristic those are good??

Thank you.

  • As Peter says in the comment, using LightBlue from either a Mac or an iOS device may be an option.

    If you're on Windows, I'd also recommend you to check out the Master Control Panel, which is useful to test out Peripherals. Master Control Panel also includes the Master Emulator API, that you can use to write custom C# applications that can interface with a BLE Peripheral for testing and development.

    Master Control Panel can be downloaded from our main site, on the download tab of your kit.

  • I has already download Master Control Panel and I can see our service/characteristic. But as you mentioned that I have to use C# to write our testing tool,there any other way to do testing with current APP or tool? Because we do not have manpower to do C# tool.

    Thank you.

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