I don't know why I didn't notice this blurb in the reference manual sooner. In pretty much all peripheral sections (such as SPI), you have this warning:
Therefore, the user must disable all peripherals that have the same ID as the SPI before the SPI can be configured and used
I read this as: Timer0 must be disabled before SPI0 can be configured AND used. So I cannot USE the SPI0 at the same time I am using TIMER0?? Or does it only mean that TIMER0 must be disabled temporarily when I configure SPI0? Suppose the latter is the case. SD blocks TIMER0, so I cannot use ANY peripheral that ends in 0: SPI0, TWI0, UART0, RTC0 (and what about SWI0)?
Suppose I am using SPIS1 AND SD. That means I can't use ANY peripheral that ends in either 0 or 1. The only thing I can use is TIMER2!?
This can't possibly be right. Can I please get a clarification?