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Unofficial pure-gcc build: No rule to make target `_build/ble_bondmngr_cfg.h'

This question relates to the unofficial gcc Makefiles available here:

These are great and I've managed to get as far as compiling my sources and most of the Nordic ones. Have not yet made it as far as linking. My build runs until this command:

-L /Users/Eliot/dev/nrf51-pure-gcc-setup/template/
-T gcc_nrf51_s110.ld
-o _build/ble_bondmngr.o
make: *** No rule to make target `_build/ble_bondmngr_cfg.h', needed by `all'.  Stop.

I'm confused as to why the build is trying to build ble_bondmngr_cfg.h. I have this file in my project sources, ie. in the root directory of the project, one up from the pure-gcc directory, just as the proximity app sample project does. Putting a deliberate error in that file breaks the build, so I know it's being picked up. Would expect that to be covered by "-I../" above.

Any clues? Thanks in advance.

  • Are you sure you haven't added ble_bondmngr_cfg.h to your APPLICATION_SRCS? That's the only way I can think of that may cause this problem...

    If this is not the case, can you please edit your question and upload your at least the Makefiles of your project? If possible, it would be great if you could just upload your complete project so that I can test it right here, but the Makefiles may help.

  • Are you sure you haven't added ble_bondmngr_cfg.h to your APPLICATION_SRCS? That's the only way I can think of that may cause this problem...

    If this is not the case, can you please edit your question and upload your at least the Makefiles of your project? If possible, it would be great if you could just upload your complete project so that I can test it right here, but the Makefiles may help.
