Setup: DK #1 is running native S110/SDK10/nRF51, one service 128-bit w/ 16-bit char:
Service UUID: 0x0xb1ad
Service UUID type: 0x0x2
Service handle: 0x0x0c
Service handle: 0xc
Characteristic value handle: 0xe
Characteristic CCCD handle: 0xf
DK #2 is running S130 serialization with Linux driver, modified HRM collector:
Received service discovery response
UUID: 0xB1AD, start handle: 0x000C, end handle: 0xFFFF
Discovering characteristics
Received characteristic discovery response, characteristics count: 1
Handle: 0x000D, UUID: 0xBEEF
Discovering descriptors
Received descriptor discovery response, descriptor count: 1
Handle: 0x000D, UUID: 0x2803
Press enter to toggle notifications
Unhandled event with ID: 81
The service and char are correctly detected, but somehow the characteristic descriptor is not (handle 0x000D
is returned twice.)
What could the cause be?
How can I find the problem to be on the peripheral or central? LightBLUE app on iPhone shows a descriptor and notify works on the characteristic, so I assume the descriptor is setup alright.