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Eclipse environment


I tried to familiarise with eclipse environment and i have some problems :

The debug and run button. I searched on google but i didnt found anwser. How can i define the wright configuration on these button ?

debug : launch good config debug (segger)

EDIT ANSWER : i unselect the follow option : windows => preferences => run/debug => launching on launch operation table, choose option : Always launch the previously launched application Next, manually, you launch your debug configuration and after on F11 or little icon in toolbar, u can debug with your configuration automaticly.

run : flash nrf

Can i create some button ? like a button to lauche segger Jlink RTT viewer, same for SourceTree.

To finish, i develop on 2 boards and i want to know how can i choose the right segger to the right project application ?

EDIT ANWSER : menu Run => debug option => "select your segger configuration" => Debugger => "in connection select USB and write the segger ID number in the text area".

