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What's the Throughput of nRF OpenMesh?

I consider using "nRF OpenMesh" to implement my project. But, I have no idea bout what's the throughput of it. Anyone has an idea? I find the max. content of advertisement data is 23 Bytes from the site. So, can I say the limitation of OpenMesh's Throughput is around 4.6kbps ?

(=23 Byte x 8 bit/Byte /0.02sec (minimum advertising interval) x 0.5 (receive the data and then re-broadcast it at next interval))

  • Hi,

    4.6kbps seems like a reasonable throughput number. The minimum advertising interval is per data-handle, and can be significantly improved by distributing data across several data handles.

    In our experiments, we've been able to get around 10kbps with 100ms minimum advertisement interval, when split over 30 handles (accounting for packet loss and acknowledgements), but your milage may vary.

  • Hi,

    4.6kbps seems like a reasonable throughput number. The minimum advertising interval is per data-handle, and can be significantly improved by distributing data across several data handles.

    In our experiments, we've been able to get around 10kbps with 100ms minimum advertisement interval, when split over 30 handles (accounting for packet loss and acknowledgements), but your milage may vary.
