I would like to send data from Central to Peripheral. I follow by ble_app_uart example, however I need to send a float type variable, so I split it to the total and fractional part.
For example, my variable is 3.14. I call ble_nus_c_string_send() method two times - sending value: 3 and next time sending value: 14. I would like to store this in characteristic as a total part in one byte and fractional in another. Unfortunately, in this way I am able to send only 1 byte which is rewrite in characteristic when I send the second one.
so I need something like this: 0E-03,
now this looks like: 0E-00 after first sending and 03-00 after next one.
Is it possible to send 2-bytes variable using this function? Or can I write received value as a second byte of my attribute value?
I would be very grateful for any help.