using Bluetooth Developer Studio, and nRF52 SDK v11.0.0 - Experimental: Bluetooth Developer Studio Example
I have created a profile using BDS and generated the files with the Nordic plugin successfully. Everything works but I need to access the data that gets written over BLE. Right now I grab it in the on_write() function, but that exists in one of the .c files that BDS generates. I want to access the characteristic data somewhere else such as in main. That way I can easily regenerate the files with BDS and not worry about overwriting my method of getting the data out. I tried to find it in some of the structs but they are so nested that I cannot get to it. I guess what is the correct way to access the data? Grabbing it in on_write() is kinda hacky, and it seems like there has to be a better way. Working with a stack like this is new to me, I'm more used to your standard superloop C programming. Thanks.
EDIT: I want to grab it on a write event, I think there are functions I could use but which one? and where do I get the handle values?