Hi Nordic.
So, I am using GAZELL to link a sensor node (PCA10001) to a host (PCA1000) When the node is connected is should automatically send its address to the host. this part works fine. The node does send its address and receives and acknowldgement of 0x00 which indicates that It should not transfer more data untill the host has requested it to do so. So on the other side the host will be listining to the user through the UART port awaiting his request. once the user issue a command, it will trigger a uart interrupt and it will be denumerated to a correct ack value and send to the host.
Here is what does not work. When I disconnect the node and reconnect it, it does not show its address anymore. That is even though it send the address to the host, the host fails to collect the data.
Attached are the main c files for the node and the host.
Thanks you in advance.