Hi, I use the following.
- Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi3 with Raspbian Jessie 4.4) as a router,
RPi3 is connected to a Wi-Fi router to access the Internet by using the built-in Wi-Fi BLE BCM43438 chip.
IoT SDK 0.9
MQTT Publisher Example
PCA10040 v1.1
Keil MDK 5
I'm planning a project which uses multiple PCA10040 boards.
For instance, I'm about to use 4 PCA10040 and these will be connected to RPi3 which acts as a BLE enabled router.
Thanks to Stian's answer, I have connected one PCA10040 that uses MQTT publisher example.
After connecting to the PCA10040 kit, I typed
pi# service radvd restart
as informed.
So my questions are
- Do I have to restart radvd after every new connection?
For instance, I connected PCA10040 (A) and restarted radvd.
When I connect another PCA10040 (B), do I have to restarted radvd again?
- This question is also related to how many PCA10040 can be connected with the RPi3.
How many connections can the RPi3 can have with PCA10040s?
-Best Regards, Mnago