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Hard fault in nrf51422 using softdevice 310(SDK9.0)

100835_Rev1.PDFSRU532.pdfimage descriptionn5_starterkit.h main.cimage description

Hi, i am currently working on the Nrf51422 chip with s310 softdevice . The problem i am facing is that when i dump the application code with s310 soft device i have seen the indication of ANT+ broadcasting ( Green LED blinking ) and BLE Advertising (Blinking of RED led) but when i open the ANTWARE-II in receiving mode i am not able to received any data from the ANT+/BLE module also if open the MASTER CONTROL PANEL app in the Android phone it is also not showing any connection. When i debugged the code in Keil the controller stuck in the Hard fault and some time in SVC . I have done just small modification in the LED port pin configuration and in the UART tx and rx line . Plz suggest how to make the communication work.

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