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micro-ecc library build failed for Experimental: BLE LE Secure Connections multirole example

In Nordic infocenter/nRF5 SDK v11.0.0/Examples/Bluetooth low energy examples/BLE Central & Peripheral/, I found a example project which name is "Experimental: BLE LE Secure Connections multirole example". Then, I follow its guide, try to install micro-ecc. I've already installed gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-20160622-win32.exe on my laptop(WIN8.1) and clone the micro-ecc source code from github. After then, due to my kit board is nRF52 and my IDE is keil, so I open console @InstallFolder\external\micro-ecc\nrf52_keil\armgcc and type "make" to compile it, but it's failed, so how can I fix it? Need your help. Below is the error. image description
