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When/How to call lib_aci_get_address using nRF8001 SDK

Hi all,

Trying to read out the nRF8001 serial number using the nRF8001 SDK 1.7 and I cant seem to work out where I should be making the call to lib_aci_get_address? After checking Table 30 of the nRF8001 datasheet, it states that I can call this function at the same places as the known working GetBatteryLevel function. So in the Heart Rate Monitor demo, in heart_rate_sensor.c I added a call to lib_aci_get_address just before the start_battery_monitoring call. I also added a check of the Opcode in lib_aci_cmd_response_hook and dump out a message when I receive ACI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS - which I am receiving. However the device doesnt come up advertising anymore. If I take out the lib_aci_get_address then its fine.

What I want to do, is to load the 8001's address into the Device Information - Serial Number characteristic using services_set_device_information_serial_number_string. However I am having problems with this as well. Where should I be writing this?

Any suggestions?


  • The nRF8001 SDK v1.7 uses a single buffer for the SPI ACI communications so you need to certain that you are not you are not sending 2 ACI commands in a row.

    In your case you are sending 2 ACI commands in a row i.e lib_aci_get_address and the lbi_aci_bond/connect so the first command is placed in the SPI buffer while the second command is discarded. This explains the fact that the lib_aci_get_address is processed correctly while the device does not advertise.

    You can move the call to the lib_aci_connect/bond to the lib_aci_cmd_response_hook , when the command response event for the ACI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ADDRESS is received.

    The same issue is likely to be present when you added the call to services_set_device_information_serial_number_string which uses lib_aci_set_local_data

    = If you use the Bluetooth low energy SDK for Arduino, this uses a FIFO for handling the ACI. This allows you to increase the number of buffers in the FIFO if you need to send more ACI commands in a row and then wait for ACI events. I.e. lib_aci_get_address, lib_aci_set_local_data (pipe=set_device_information_serial_number_string), lib_aci_connect/bond

    Since you need 3 ACI commands in a row you need to set the queue size to more than 3. (uses one slot free method for empty and full conditions so needs 3+1 = 4) In hal_aci_tl.h #define ACI_QUEUE_SIZE 4

  • I cannot say if there will be an update to the 1.7 version of the SDK. It may be simplest to port the Arduino SDK to your mcu. What mcu do you use ?

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