I have the nrf52 working perfectly in iBeacon mode. Even when my iPhone is Off, the iPhone will wake up and post a notification with UUID, Major,Minor etc.. It's great.
So now I need to work on Android. So far I can see the Android get the iBeacon advertisement when in foreground, and when my app is closed I also get a single notification of the detection.
However, I cannot seem to get this event when my Android when off (screen blank). Can I do this? I can easily do this with an Iphone when it gets an iBeacon advertisement
If not with iBeacon format, can I do this if I format a second advertisement and send it EddyStone format?
I just need the Android to wake up and set an event (and vibrate) even when off (like the iPhone can)
... b.t.w If I do require EddyStone for this, it there a posting about sending out both types of formats in alternating intervals?
Thanks to all .. J!