I need to sample 2 inputs at 200Hz and send it on an app. Can I send the data at this speed using UART service? I was trying to do it using HRM example but could not achieve this speed. Can I get any links to a similar code?
I need to sample 2 inputs at 200Hz and send it on an app. Can I send the data at this speed using UART service? I was trying to do it using HRM example but could not achieve this speed. Can I get any links to a similar code?
@Manu: The maximum data thoughput with BLE is 128kbps = 16KB/s. You can have a look at this thread.
If your data is very small (1 2 bytes each sample) you should collect them and send at once when you have 20bytes.
@Hung: Thanks. Is there a code that combines adc sampling with ble_uart so that I can read data on an android app.
@Manu: I saw you created a case to request the example. One of my co-worker is preparing it and will send to you.