As title, where can I find the syntax for this editor?
If it does not exist,
- Q1. How can I put sample source code block?
- Q2. How can I put new line only? (without blank line)
Best Regards.
As title, where can I find the syntax for this editor?
If it does not exist,
Best Regards.
The editor is an older version of the markdown language, many HTML style syntaxes will work.
To preformat text:
Mark the text you wish to preformat
Click the preformatted text button
while(true) { //Do nothing }
This will work for most cases, however there are some editor bugs where the procedure above will not preformat properly, is this case you can preformat by using HTML syntax, ie.
Your preformatted code here
To preformat a single line you can do this:
`Cool red line`
Cool red line
You can make things bold like this:
**Bold text**
Bold Text
Emphasized like this:
*Emphasized text*
Emphasized text
Line breaks can be done using double enter or by using HTML syntax
Header styles (useful for blogs and tutorials):
<h1>Header 1</h1>
<h2>Header 2</h2>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
Finally there's one important gotcha, due to a bug you have to add blank lines above and under special nodes in the text, otherwise they will not perform as intended.
Best regards,