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s120 example for eval board


I would like to experiment s120 on the evaluation board. There are some examples but in nrf51/nrf51822/Board/nrf6310/s120/experimental. Can I use it ? Or is there something better elsewhere ? Thanks, Olivier

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  • I just tested this, and didn't really have any problems. I'm hence still not sure I understand how you got this error, and you don't provide any of the details I asked for, so I can't really say much more. Anyway, I added the modified project as an attachment to my first reply, so you can have a look at that if you still have problems.

  • If you had said from the start that you're using the pure-gcc Makefiles, it would have been a little easier to help you. When nothing is said, I assume that Keil is being used, since that's what the majority of customers are.

    Anyway, I've now edited my first reply, adding a Makefile that works with latest nrf51-pure-gcc upstream. There are some subtleties with regard to S120 support in the SDK, since this support is still experimental, and a couple of extra defines are therefore needed. Also beware that latest upstream, with native s120 support requires the USE_SOFTDEVICE value to be lowercase.
