I have been googleing for a solution but have not found any solution yet.
Have tried the following:
- Installed J-Link commander. (Does not pick up any usb devices)
- Tried it on : 2x Win10 PC's , Win7 PC and Ubuntu with no luck.
- In Bootloader mode it opens up a storage drive but can't write to it because its less than the 500kb
- The NRF side of the board seems to be happy with the buttons and LED's work as expected
- I have not tried the NFC bit as shown in the Getting started guide.(Is that maybe needed to get it going?)
- NRF51-DK works as expected.
Not sure what else to try at this stage.
Any help will be appreciated.
UPDATE: We bought two of these boards and the other board seems to work correctly. We tried my board on the same PC but it does not start correctly. The Green Led next to the J-Link Chip does not light up at all.(The second board's lights up)
I just noticed that on my Win7 PC the j-Link LED does not even light up in bootmode anymore.
Could it be that I have erased the j-Link side whiles going into bootload mode?