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If use D+/D- to transmit data, does need to connect 5V to VBUS or I can open VBUS and connect 3.3V to VDD only?

Thanks. BR Atlas

  • Hi Atlas,

    If you want to omit the VBUS, you can supply 3.3V directly to VDD instead. Here is a snippet from the datasheet:

    2.2.3 Power supply pins
    The nRF24LU1+ contains an on-chip regulator that produces +3.3V on the VDD pins, from the VBUS supply
    line (4.0 – 5.25 V). Alternatively, the VBUS pin can be left open and the VDD pins may be fed from an
    external 3.3V supply. In this case, the on-chip 3.3V regulator is switched off.

    Cheers, Håkon