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Does S120 support swiching over BLE and Gazelle like S110 does?

I have 3 short questions:

  1. Does S120 support or will support swiching over BLE and Gazelle like S110 does?

  2. Will be able in future to be connected to a BLE device and Gazelle device at the same time, with out switching?

  3. As I under stand form BLe standard S120 will allow to connect to a pripherial dev, but also to a central device and in the same time share some own services?

    1. There are no differences between the softdevices here, and all of them allows you to disable it and use the radio for anything you want. The SDK may not include examples for all of this, but it's technically no problem, and it should be fairly easy to modify the IROM and IRAM settings of the nrf6310 Gazell and ESB examples to work with any softdevice.

    2. For questions on future developments, you should talk to our sales manager for your area. If you don't have his contact information, please send me a private message with your location.

    3. The S120 is a pure Central softdevice, and hence it can connect only to other Peripheral devices. Two devices with S120 will hence not be able to communicate with each other. Again, talk to a sales manager about future plans.

  • Thx a lot for your replay.

    Ad 3. Does it means that s120 cant be connected to a peripherial device and for example to a tablet in the same time? Taking date form peripherial, processing and passing to the tablet for example?

  • If the tablet is capable of being a Peripheral, which for example all iOS devices are, this is possible, but if it isn't, it's not. Notably, Android does not support the Peripheral role as of today.
