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My current measurement result from nrf51DK board

Hello, I load UART over BLE example on nrf51DK (51422) DK board and measure for 13 seconds from power on. Here is the result graph and the average current is about 175uAh. Is it normal?

image description

I changed the some part of original source code as following...(I change the interval to 300 and comment out some functions in the main function.

#define APP_ADV_INTERVAL                300 
// Initialize.
//printf("\r\nUART Start!\r\n");

The 175uAh average current is correct value ??? And after I load new hex, I turn it off and turn it on again to make sure it is not on debug mode. Thank you.

  • Expected average current for the advertisement alone when using 300 * 0.625 = 187.5ms advertising interval and full advertisement packet (31 bytes) is about 150uA in LDO mode. So your measurement is not so far from that.

    It does not look like the spikes on the graph are even distributed, so are you just advertising or doing anything else? I assume that the spikes are during radio operations (advertising or connection event).

    And btw: uAh is a measurement of capacity (used for batteries), uA is current (like in average current).

  • Thank you for your comment. I didn't change anything from "UART over BLE example" except the APP_ADV_INTERVAL and comment out uart_init. I didn't try to connect. So it is just advertising the initial data from the example.
