Hi, nRFGo reads "hwid:0xae", can you confirm what Rev IC it is related to? Where can I find the full compatibility matrix of nRF51822?
Thanks, Ehsan
Hi, nRFGo reads "hwid:0xae", can you confirm what Rev IC it is related to? Where can I find the full compatibility matrix of nRF51822?
Thanks, Ehsan
Hi Ved,
I have already look at those documents and could not find 0xAE is read as HWID. I may miss some parts, can you tell me where exactly this code is mentioned?
Thanks, Ehsan
Hi Ehsan
There exists no official HWID list for all nrf51 devices. Instead, the ic_info function is presented to identify an nRF51 IC programmatically, as ved already pointed out. The ic_info function is introduced in the nRF51 compatibility matrix table, comment 1. If you however still think that HWID is more useful, there is "hacker" HWID list available in the nrF51deviceids.xml file as presented in the answer on this thread