I have searched here on the DevZone, and also around the web, and don't see this issue mentioned elsewhere. I really appreciate any help finding a solution.
I tried following the instructions in the second half of the NordicSemi tutorial for "More advanced printing" here: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
But I am unable to compile due to the error in the title (main.c warning: #192-D: unrecognized character escape sequence).
I am using the nRF52832 (BMD-300 eval kit): www.rigado.com/.../
One of the tutorial steps is different for me than shown in the tutorial, and maybe this is the problem. In the step "Right-click nRF_Libraries and click Options", it doesn't show with green diamond icons, it's yellow folder icons instead by nRF_Libraries. And instead of "options for component class" it says "options for group" but it's still option Alt-F7 (so maybe that's not the problem after all, maybe just a UI change since this how-to page was published).
Anyway, I can't seem to figure out why this is happening or how to fix it. Even though it's just a warning rather than an error, it doesn't display colors in RTT Viewer, it's just a bunch of extra characters. How do I resolve this issue, please, and get colors to show in the output text on RTT Viewer?
//this is the only include that I've added for RTT: (pound)include "SEGGER_RTT.h"
LINE OF CODE: SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, RTT_CTRL_RESET"Red: " RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BRIGHT_RED"This text is red. " RTT_CTRL_TEXT_BLACK"" RTT_CTRL_BG_BRIGHT_RED"This background is red. " RTT_CTRL_RESET"Normal text again.");
OUTPUT IN RTT Viewer: 0> e[0mRed: e[1;31mThis text is red. e[2;30me[4;41mThis background is red. e[0mNormal text again.