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indications acknowledged but didn't received on NRF

Im' trying to send a set of 80 bytes using indication. for that I have a characteristic sending each time 20 bytes and wait for indication acknowledgement before sending the next 20 bytes. but then sometimes I reveive only 3 frame on nrf side (I always miss the first one).

I'm using SEGGER_RTT to debug, and each time, it print 4 times the return value of ble__param_update which is always 0, which means that it successfully sent 4 frames. also I didnt experience any timeout.

 do {
                err_code = ble__param_update(STEP_CURVE, buffer); /* update data on BLE */
                 SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"error code is %d \n",err_code);
            } while (err_code == BLE_ERROR_NO_TX_BUFFERS);
            /* waiting or acknowledgement */
            flash_context.indication_timeout = 0;  // incremented every 10 ms by a timer
            while (accelerometer_context.curve_indications_pending) {
/* time out : disconnect and try next time */
                if ((flash_context.indication_timeout >= 200) || (err_code == NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)) {
                    disconnected = true;

static void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)

/* indications received from curve characteristic */    
    if (p_ble_evt->evt.gatts_evt.params.hvc.handle == m.step_curve_char_handles.value_handle) {
            accelerometer_context.curve_indications_pending = false;

by using the sniffer and wireshark I can see 4 indication received but nrf on all android devices recieve only 3 !!! image description

  • Hi Makourda,

    Could you explain what is "nrf on all android devices " ?

    Could you give some more information on your setup ? Which device was central which one was peripheral. Which Softdevice version ? Where the server is located (from where you send the indication ? )

    How could you check and findout that the there only 3 packet (indication or confirmation? ) ?

    A clear description on how you test would be helpful.
