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HID (Human Interface Device) Template Example code


I am currently using this example code (pasted below). It is sending the character 'a' every 4 seconds. I can't figure out which part of the code defines the character 'a' and delay of 4 seconds. any help would be great!



  • HID (Human Interface Device) template */

/** @defgroup HID_keyboard_project HID_keyboard_project @{ @ingroup projects @brief HID Keyboard project that can be used as a template for new projects.

@details This project is a firmware template for new HID keyboard projects. The project will run correctly in its current state. This will show the Arduino board as a HID Keybaord to the Win 8. After HID Keyboard has been bonded with Win 8. The letter 'a' is sent to the Win 8 every 4 seconds. With this project you have a starting point for adding your own application functionality.

The following instructions describe the steps to be made on the Windows PC:

-# Install the Master Control Panel on your computer. Connect the Master Emulator (nRF2739) and make sure the hardware drivers are installed.

-# Alternatively you should be able to get the board to work directly with a iOS 7 device, Win 8/Win RT PC after adding the required buttons for I/O.

Note: Pin #6 on Arduino -> PAIRING CLEAR pin: Connect to 3.3v to clear the pairing

The setup() and the loop() functions are the equvivlent of main() .

*/ #include <SPI.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include "services.h"

#include <lib_aci.h> #include "aci_setup.h" #include "EEPROM.h"

#ifdef SERVICES_PIPE_TYPE_MAPPING_CONTENT static services_pipe_type_mapping_t services_pipe_type_mapping[NUMBER_OF_PIPES] = SERVICES_PIPE_TYPE_MAPPING_CONTENT; #else #define NUMBER_OF_PIPES 0 static services_pipe_type_mapping_t * services_pipe_type_mapping = NULL; #endif

static hal_aci_data_t setup_msgs[NB_SETUP_MESSAGES] PROGMEM = SETUP_MESSAGES_CONTENT;

// aci_struct that will contain // total initial credits // current credit // current state of the aci (setup/standby/active/sleep) // open remote pipe pending // close remote pipe pending // Current pipe available bitmap // Current pipe closed bitmap // Current connection interval, slave latency and link supervision timeout // Current State of the the GATT client (Service Discovery) // Status of the bond (R) Peer address static struct aci_state_t aci_state; static hal_aci_evt_t aci_data; static hal_aci_data_t aci_cmd;

/* We will store the bonding info for the nRF8001 in the MCU to recover from a power loss situation */ static bool bonded_first_time = true;

/* We will do the timing change for the link only once */ static bool timing_change_done = false;

/* Variables used for the timer on the AVR */ volatile uint8_t timer1_f = 0;

/* The keyboard report is 8 bytes 0 Modifier keys 1 Reserved 2 Keycode 1 3 Keycode 2 4 Keycode 3 5 Keycode 4 6 Keycode 5 7 Keycode 6 */ uint8_t keypressA[8]={ 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };

/*** FUNC

Name: Timer1start

Function: Start timer 1 to interrupt periodically. Call this from the Arduino setup() function.

Description: The pre-scaler and the timer count divide the timer-counter clock frequency to give a timer overflow interrupt rate:

            Interrupt rate =  16MHz / (prescaler * (255 - TCNT2))

    TCCR2B[b2:0]   Prescaler    Freq [KHz], Period [usec] after prescale
      0x0            (TC stopped)     0         0
      0x1                1        16000.        0.0625
      0x2                8         2000.        0.500
      0x3               32          500.        2.000
      0x4               64          250.        4.000
      0x5              128          125.        8.000
      0x6              256           62.5      16.000
      0x7             1024           15.625    64.000

Parameters: void

Returns: void

FUNC ***/

void Timer1start() {

// Setup Timer1 overflow to fire every 4000ms 
//   period [sec] = (1 / f_clock [sec]) * prescale * (count)
//                  (1/16000000)  * 1024 * (count) = 4000 ms

TCCR1B  = 0x00;        // Disable Timer1 while we set it up

TCNT1H  = 11;          // Approx 4000ms when prescaler is set to 1024
TCNT1L  = 0; 
TIFR1   = 0x00;        // Timer1 INT Flag Reg: Clear Timer Overflow Flag
TIMSK1  = 0x01;        // Timer1 INT Reg: Timer1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
TCCR1A  = 0x00;        // Timer1 Control Reg A: Wave Gen Mode normal
TCCR1B  = 0x05;        // Timer1 Control Reg B: Timer Prescaler set to 1024


void Timer1stop() { TCCR1B = 0x00; TIMSK1 = 0x00; }

/*** FUNC

Name: Timer1 ISR

Function: Handles the Timer1-overflow interrupt

FUNC ***/

ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) {
if (0 == timer1_f) { timer1_f = 1; }

TCNT1H = 11;    // Approx 4000 ms - Reload
TCNT1L = 0;
TIFR1  = 0x00;    // timer1 int flag reg: clear timer overflow flag


/***NOTE Scroll to the end of the file and read the loop() and setup() functions. The loop/setup functions is the equivalent of the main() function */

/* Read the Dymamic data from the EEPROM and send then as ACI Write Dynamic Data to the nRF8001 This will restore the nRF8001 to the situation when the Dynamic Data was Read out */ aci_status_code_t bond_data_restore(aci_state_t *aci_stat, uint8_t eeprom_status, bool *bonded_first_time_state) { aci_evt_t *aci_evt; uint8_t eeprom_offset_read = 1; uint8_t write_dyn_num_msgs = 0; uint8_t len =0;

// Get the number of messages to write for the eeprom_status write_dyn_num_msgs = eeprom_status & 0x7F;

//Read from the EEPROM while(1) { len =; eeprom_offset_read++; aci_cmd.buffer[0] = len;

for (uint8_t i=1; i<=len; i++)
    aci_cmd.buffer[i] =;
//Send the ACI Write Dynamic Data
if (!hal_aci_tl_send(&aci_cmd))
  Serial.println(F("bond_data_restore: Cmd Q Full"));

//Spin in the while loop waiting for an event
while (1)
  if (lib_aci_event_get(aci_stat, &aci_data))
    aci_evt = &aci_data.evt; 
    if (ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP != aci_evt->evt_opcode)
        //Got something other than a command response evt -> Error
        Serial.print(F("bond_data_restore: Expected cmd rsp evt. Got: 0x"));           
        Serial.println(aci_evt->evt_opcode, HEX);
      //ACI Evt Command Response
      if (ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE == aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status)
        //Set the state variables correctly
        *bonded_first_time_state = false;
        aci_stat->bonded = ACI_BOND_STATUS_SUCCESS;
      if (0 >= write_dyn_num_msgs)
        //should have returned earlier
      if (ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_CONTINUE == aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status)
        //break and write the next ACI Write Dynamic Data


/* This function is specific to the atmega328 @params ACI Command Response Evt received from the Read Dynmaic Data */ void bond_data_store(aci_evt_t *evt) { static int eeprom_write_offset = 1;

//Write it to non-volatile storage EEPROM.write( eeprom_write_offset, evt->len -2 ); eeprom_write_offset++;

EEPROM.write( eeprom_write_offset, ACI_CMD_WRITE_DYNAMIC_DATA); eeprom_write_offset++;

for (uint8_t i=0; i< (evt->len-3); i++) { EEPROM.write( eeprom_write_offset, evt->params.cmd_rsp.params.padding[i]); eeprom_write_offset++; } }

bool bond_data_read_store(aci_state_t aci_stat) { / The size of the dynamic data for a specific Bluetooth Low Energy configuration is present in the ublue_setup.gen.out.txt generated by the nRFgo studio as "dynamic data size". */ bool status = false; aci_evt_t * aci_evt = NULL; uint8_t read_dyn_num_msgs = 0;

//Start reading the dynamic data lib_aci_read_dynamic_data(); read_dyn_num_msgs++;

while (1) { if (true == lib_aci_event_get(aci_stat, &aci_data)) { aci_evt = &aci_data.evt;

  if (ACI_EVT_CMD_RSP != aci_evt->evt_opcode )
    //Got something other than a command response evt -> Error
    status = false;
  if (ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE == aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status)
    //Store the contents of the command response event in the EEPROM 
    //(len, cmd, seq-no, data) : cmd ->Write Dynamic Data so it can be used directly
    //Set the flag in the EEPROM that the contents of the EEPROM is valid
    EEPROM.write(0, 0x80|read_dyn_num_msgs );
    //Finished with reading the dynamic data
    status = true;
  if (!(ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_CONTINUE == aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status))
    //We failed the read dymanic data
    //Set the flag in the EEPROM that the contents of the EEPROM is invalid
    EEPROM.write(0, 0x00);
    status = false;
    //Store the contents of the command response event in the EEPROM 
    // (len, cmd, seq-no, data) : cmd ->Write Dynamic Data so it can be used directly when re-storing the dynamic data
    //Read the next dynamic data message

return status;

//Process all ACI events here void aci_loop() { // We enter the if statement only when there is a ACI event available to be processed if (lib_aci_event_get(&aci_state, &aci_data)) { aci_evt_t * aci_evt;

aci_evt = &aci_data.evt;

      aci_state.data_credit_total = aci_evt->params.device_started.credit_available;
        case ACI_DEVICE_SETUP:
        When the device is in the setup mode
        aci_state.device_state = ACI_DEVICE_SETUP;
        Serial.println(F("Evt Device Started: Setup"));
        if (ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE != do_aci_setup(&aci_state))
          Serial.println(F("Error in ACI Setup"));
        case ACI_DEVICE_STANDBY:
          Serial.println(F("Evt Device Started: Standby"));
          //Manage the bond in EEPROM of the AVR
            uint8_t eeprom_status = 0;
            eeprom_status =;
            if (eeprom_status != 0x00)
              Serial.println(F("Previous Bond present. Restoring"));
              //We must have lost power and restarted and must restore the bonding infromation using the ACI Write Dynamic Data
              if (ACI_STATUS_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE == bond_data_restore(&aci_state, eeprom_status, &bonded_first_time))
                Serial.println(F("Bond restored successfully"));
                Serial.println(F("Bond restore failed"));
          // Start bonding as all HID devices need to be bonded to be usable
          if (ACI_BOND_STATUS_SUCCESS != aci_state.bonded)
            lib_aci_bond(180/* in seconds */, 0x0050 /* advertising interval 50ms*/);
            Serial.println(F("Advertising started : Waiting to be connected and bonded"));
            //connect to an already bonded device
            //Use lib_aci_direct_connect for faster re-connections
            lib_aci_connect(10/* in seconds */, 0x0020 /* advertising interval 20ms*/);
            Serial.println(F("Already bonded : Advertising started : Waiting to be connected"));
    break; //ACI Device Started Event
    //If an ACI command response event comes with an error -> stop
    if ((ACI_STATUS_SUCCESS != aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status )
        && (ACI_CMD_READ_DYNAMIC_DATA  != aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_opcode)
        && (ACI_CMD_WRITE_DYNAMIC_DATA != aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_opcode))
      //ACI ReadDynamicData and ACI WriteDynamicData will have status codes of
      //all other ACI commands will have status code of ACI_STATUS_SCUCCESS for a successful command         

      Serial.print(F("ACI Status of ACI Evt Cmd Rsp 0x"));
      Serial.println(aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_status, HEX);           
      Serial.print(F("ACI Command 0x"));
      Serial.println(aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_opcode, HEX);          
      Serial.println(F("Evt Cmd respone: Error. Arduino is in an while(1); loop"));
      while (1);
    if (ACI_CMD_GET_DEVICE_VERSION == aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.cmd_opcode)
      lib_aci_set_local_data(&aci_state, PIPE_DEVICE_INFORMATION_HARDWARE_REVISION_STRING_SET, 
           (uint8_t *)&(aci_evt->params.cmd_rsp.params.get_device_version), 
    reset the credit available when the link gets connected
    aci_state.data_credit_available = aci_state.data_credit_total;
    timing_change_done = false;
    Serial.println(F("Evt Connected"));
     Get the Device Version of the nRF8001 and place it in the 
     Hardware Revision String Characteristic of the Device Info. GATT Service
    Serial.println(F("Evt Pipe Status"));
    if (lib_aci_is_pipe_available(&aci_state, PIPE_HID_SERVICE_HID_REPORT_TX)
        && (false == timing_change_done))
      lib_aci_change_timing_GAP_PPCP(); //Uses the GAP preferred timing as put in the nRFGo studio xml file-> See also in services.h
      timing_change_done = true;
    Serial.print(F("Timing change received conn Interval: 0x"));
    Serial.println(aci_evt->params.timing.conn_rf_interval, HEX);
    //Disconnect as soon as we are bonded and required pipes are available
    //This is used to store the bonding info on disconnect and then re-connect to verify the bond
    if((ACI_BOND_STATUS_SUCCESS == aci_state.bonded) &&
       (true == bonded_first_time) &&
       (GAP_PPCP_MAX_CONN_INT >= aci_state.connection_interval) && 
       (GAP_PPCP_MIN_CONN_INT <= aci_state.connection_interval) && //Timing change already done: Provide time for the the peer to finish
       (lib_aci_is_pipe_available(&aci_state, PIPE_HID_SERVICE_HID_REPORT_TX)))
         lib_aci_disconnect(&aci_state, ACI_REASON_TERMINATE);
    Bluetooth Radio ack received from the peer radio for the data packet sent.
    Multiple data packets can be acked in a single aci data credit event.
    aci_state.data_credit_available = aci_state.data_credit_available + aci_evt->;
    //See the appendix in the nRF8001 Product Specication for details on the error codes
    Serial.print(F("ACI Evt Pipe Error: Pipe #:"));
    Serial.print(aci_evt->params.pipe_error.pipe_number, DEC);
    Serial.print(F("  Pipe Error Code: 0x"));
    Serial.println(aci_evt->params.pipe_error.error_code, HEX);
    //Increment the credit available as the data packet was not sent.
    //The pipe error also represents the Attribute protocol Error Response sent from the peer and that should not be counted 
    //for the credit.
    if (ACI_STATUS_ERROR_PEER_ATT_ERROR != aci_evt->params.pipe_error.error_code)
    Serial.println(F("Evt Bond Status"));
    aci_state.bonded = aci_evt->params.bond_status.status_code;
    //Stop the timer
    Advertise again if the advertising timed out.
    if(ACI_STATUS_ERROR_ADVT_TIMEOUT == aci_evt->params.disconnected.aci_status)
      Serial.println(F("Evt Disconnected -> Advertising timed out"));          
        Serial.println(F("nRF8001 going to sleep"));
        aci_state.device_state = ACI_DEVICE_SLEEP;
        //Put the MCU to sleep here
        // Wakeup the MCU and the nRF8001 when the keyboard is pressed
        // Use lib_aci_device_wakeup() to wakeup the nRF8001
          if (ACI_BOND_STATUS_SUCCESS != aci_state.bonded)
            // Previous bonding failed. Try to bond again.
            lib_aci_bond(180/* in seconds */, 0x0050 /* advertising interval 50ms*/);
            Serial.println(F("Advertising started : Waiting to be connected and bonded"));
            if (bonded_first_time)
              bonded_first_time = false;
              //Store away the dynamic data of the nRF8001 in the Flash or EEPROM of the MCU 
              // so we can restore the bond information of the nRF8001 in the event of power loss
              //For a HID Keyboard, storage can be only one. Other apps may require storage for every disconnect.
              //Check if the data has changed before storing the dynamic data for every disconnect.
              if (bond_data_read_store(&aci_state))
                Serial.println(F("Dynamic Data read and stored successfully"));
            //connect to an already bonded device
            //Use lib_aci_direct_connect for faster re-connections (advertising interval of 3.75 ms is used for directed advertising)
			//Directed Advertising will work with Android 4.3 and greater and Windows 8 and greater, will not work with iOS
            lib_aci_connect(180/* in seconds */, 0x0020 /* advertising interval 20ms*/);
            Serial.println(F("Already bonded : Advertising started : Waiting to be connected"));

    Serial.print(F("Pipe #: 0x"));
    Serial.print(aci_evt->params.data_received.rx_data.pipe_number, HEX);
      int i;
      Serial.print(F(" Data(Hex) : "));
      for(i=0; i<aci_evt->len - 2; i++)
        Serial.print(aci_evt->params.data_received.rx_data.aci_data[i], HEX);
        Serial.print(F(" "));

} else { //Serial.println(F("No ACI Events available")); // No event in the ACI Event queue // Arduino can go to sleep now // Wakeup from sleep from the RDYN line } }

/* This is called only once after a reset of the AVR */ void setup(void) { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(F("Arduino setup"));

Point ACI data structures to the the setup data that the nRFgo studio generated for the nRF8001
if (NULL != services_pipe_type_mapping)
aci_state.aci_setup_info.services_pipe_type_mapping = &services_pipe_type_mapping[0];
aci_state.aci_setup_info.services_pipe_type_mapping = NULL;
aci_state.aci_setup_info.number_of_pipes    = NUMBER_OF_PIPES;
aci_state.aci_setup_info.setup_msgs         = setup_msgs;
aci_state.aci_setup_info.num_setup_msgs     = NB_SETUP_MESSAGES;

//Tell the ACI library, the MCU to nRF8001 pin connections
aci_state.aci_pins.board_name = REDBEARLAB_SHIELD_V1_1; //REDBEARLAB_SHIELD_V1_1 See board.h for details
aci_state.aci_pins.reqn_pin   = 9;
aci_state.aci_pins.rdyn_pin   = 8;
aci_state.aci_pins.mosi_pin   = MOSI;
aci_state.aci_pins.miso_pin   = MISO;
aci_state.aci_pins.sck_pin    = SCK;

aci_state.aci_pins.spi_clock_divider     = SPI_CLOCK_DIV8;
aci_state.aci_pins.reset_pin             = UNUSED;
aci_state.aci_pins.active_pin            = UNUSED;
aci_state.aci_pins.optional_chip_sel_pin = UNUSED;
aci_state.aci_pins.interface_is_interrupt	  = false;
aci_state.aci_pins.interrupt_number			  = UNUSED;

/** We reset the nRF8001 here by toggling the RESET line connected to the nRF8001
*  and initialize the data structures required to setup the nRF8001

pinMode(6, INPUT); //Pin #6 on Arduino -> PAIRING CLEAR pin: Connect to 3.3v to clear the pairing
if (0x01 == digitalRead(6))
//Clear the pairing
Serial.println(F("Pairing cleared. Remove the wire on Pin 6 and reset the board for normal operation."));
//Address. Value
EEPROM.write(0, 0);
while(1) {};

//Initialize the state of the bond  
aci_state.bonded = ACI_BOND_STATUS_FAILED;


/* This is like a main() { while(1) { loop() } } */ void loop(void) {


/* Method for sending HID Reports */ if (lib_aci_is_pipe_available(&aci_state, PIPE_HID_SERVICE_HID_REPORT_TX) && (aci_state.data_credit_available == 2) && (1 == timer1_f) ) {
timer1_f = 0; keypressA[2] = 0x04;
lib_aci_send_data(PIPE_HID_SERVICE_HID_REPORT_TX, &keypressA[0], 8); aci_state.data_credit_available--; keypressA[2] = 0x00; lib_aci_send_data(PIPE_HID_SERVICE_HID_REPORT_TX, &keypressA[0], 8); aci_state.data_credit_available--; }


  • Hi, at the beginning of the code, there is s section of comment saying ,

    -# Alternatively you should be able to get the board to work directly with a iOS 7 device, Win 8/Win RT PC after adding the required buttons for I/O.

    What does that mean? And additional wire needs to be done other than,

    Plug the Bluetooth low energy shield to the Arduino. The REQN and RDYN pins are selectable from pin 2 to 12. Select the Arduino pins to use for REQN and RDYN and put the jumpers to those pins. Reset of the Arduino is connected to the Reset of the nRF8001, so every time a sketch is downloaded from the Arduino IDE the nRF8001 is also reset. The SPI lines are routed through the central ICSP connector of the Arduino.

    Thanks a lot! Feng

  • Hi, at the beginning of the code, there is s section of comment saying ,

    -# Alternatively you should be able to get the board to work directly with a iOS 7 device, Win 8/Win RT PC after adding the required buttons for I/O.

    What does that mean? And additional wire needs to be done other than,

    Plug the Bluetooth low energy shield to the Arduino. The REQN and RDYN pins are selectable from pin 2 to 12. Select the Arduino pins to use for REQN and RDYN and put the jumpers to those pins. Reset of the Arduino is connected to the Reset of the nRF8001, so every time a sketch is downloaded from the Arduino IDE the nRF8001 is also reset. The SPI lines are routed through the central ICSP connector of the Arduino.

    Thanks a lot! Feng

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